Aggressor Walkthrough Maps

 Objective 1: Infiltrate the Museum

1. Approach Museum: Upon arriving, you head straight to the front door of the Museum.

2. Enter Through Front Door: You enter through the front door.

Objective 2: Find a way to reach the 3rd Floor

3. Engage Guard: You head straight at the first guard you see, quickly taking them down.

4. Alert Camera / Combat: You head towards the stairs, but don’t notice the camera. You alert the nearby guards and must take them down.

5. Take the Stairs Up: You head up the stairs to the 2nd floor.

6. Engage Guards: You notice guards blocking both paths, so you take them down.

7. Stealth Takedown: You stealth takedown the next guard as they pass by you.

8. Engage Guards: You have guards on both sides of you, so you first take out the one on the left, then the one on the right.

9. Take the Elevator Up: You find an elevator you can use to get to the 3rd floor.

Objective 3: Locate the Egypt Exhibit

10. Guard Engages You: You didn’t notice the guard watching the path and they engage you. You take them down quietly.

11. Stealth Takedowns: You sneak around and take out the 2 guards in the next room.

Objective 4: Retrieve the Tome of Aten

12. Combat / Retrieve Tome: Upon reaching the Egypt exhibit, you spot the Tome. However, a guard surprises you, so you take them down then grab the Tome.

Objective 5: Return to the extraction point

13. Backup Arrives: You head back the way you came, but more guards have shown up. You take them out and head back towards the elevator.

14. Engage Guards: You find 2 more guards on your path. You engage them and take them out.

15. Take Elevator Down: You take the elevator to the 2nd floor.

16. New Room / Stealth Combat: Afraid of finding more backup, you try a new path, where you find a single guard. You sneak around and take them out.

17. Enter Back Room: You find a door leading to the back room.

18. Take Stairs Down: You take the stairs to the 1st floor.

19. Engage Guard: You take out the lone guard in the back room.

20. Head Back into Museum: You get back into the exhibits.

21. Stealth Combat: You take out the last remaining guard on the 1st floor.

22. Exit Museum: You get back to the front door and head outside.

23. Return to Extraction Point: You head back to the armored vehicle.