Chipp: A Sub-Par Adventure

Capstone project - A Zelda/Minigolf mashup where you save the world as a golf ball.

Roles: Programming, Game Design, UI/UX Design

Tools: Unity, Photoshop, Adobe XD

Timeline: 8 Months

Game Footage

What I did

  • Programming: Lead the technical side of the project, developing key systems including the physics system, camera, controls, level mechanics, and UI. Also managed various other technical aspects of the project including the git repository, coding standards, and optimization.

  • Game Design: Designed and developed over 13 interactive objects to be used by level designers. Also collaborated with the rest of the team to design the progression, game flow, and game loop.

  • Prototyping: Personally created prototypes to test new design ideas and revisions

  • UI/UX Design: Developed look, feel, and usability of UI elements and menus for multiple control schemes. Owned the UI features throughout development, from mock-ups to implementation.

Dev Logs

Throughout development, I wrote a couple dev logs diving deeper into the development of specific features of the game. Check them out below.

Take Aways

  • Experienced coming onto a large project mid-way through development

  • Developed and practiced crucial communication skills, especially visual communication

  • Designed smaller systems meant to fit into a larger experience, which taught me a lot about designing on large projects