Stealth Walkthrough Maps

 Objective 1: Infiltrate the Museum

1. Explore Around Building: Upon arriving, you explore around the building for a potential stealth entry point.

2. Spots Guard and Scaffolding: You take cover behind a couple supply crates.

3. Take Down Guard: You stealth takedown the guard.

4. Climb Up Ladder: You climb the ladder up the scaffolding.

5. Stealth Entry: You enter through the open window into the 2nd floor.

Objective 2: Find a way to reach the 3rd Floor

6. Take Down Guard: You discovered a section of the museum that’s being patrolled by only one guard. You stealth takedown the guard.

7. Discover Back Room Stairs Key: You find the guard’s belongings set down on a table in the back of the exhibit. There is a key labeled as “Back Room Stairs Key.”

8. Take Down Guard: You stealth takedown the patrolling guard.

9. Take Down Guard: You stealth takedown the guard as he passes in front of you.

10. Plan Stealth Path: You observe the next guard’s route and plan your route.

11. Stealth Combat: You are surprised by a guard patrolling the “Earth’s Treasures” exhibit and quickly take him down with melee combat as not to alert any other nearby guards.

12. Use Key and Head Upstairs: You find the door to the Back Room, use the key, and take the stairs up to the 3rd floor.

Objective 3: Locate the Egypt Exhibit

13. Plan Stealth Path: You plan your route to get past the guards.

Objective 4: Retrieve the Tome of Aten

14. Pick up and Contain the Tome: You grab the tome. More guards arrive from the direction you came, so you quickly dash out the nearest exit.

Objective 5: Return to the extraction point

15. Scouting: You evaluate the guards’ paths and the room’s layout and plan your stealth route.

16. Find 2nd Floor Central Hallway Key: You find the 2nd floor central hallway on the couch.

17. Take the Elevator Down: You reach the elevator and take it to the 2nd Floor.

18. Use the 2nd Floor Hallway Key: You use the key to access the central hallway. You notice that your stealth entry is now blocked and head towards the stairs instead.

19. Take the Stairs Down: You use the stairs to get down to the 1st floor.

20. Stealth Exit: You sneak through the first floor and reach the eastern exit.

21. Return to Extraction Point: You head back to the front of the building and hop back into the armored vehicle with Tome in hand.